Restocking and Establishment for Managers & Supervisors

The aim of the event is to provide participants with the fundamental knowledge required to carry out restocking operations from site planning, through ground preparation to successful establishment, in accordance with UK best practise. Using site-based examples..

  • Location: UK

  • Study mode: Classroom & On-site

  • Duration: 1 day


At the end of the course, the participants should have an understanding of:

  • The planning and organising of restocking, including managing the land-bank;

  • Data management, and record keeping;

  • The relevance of site factors including soil type to ground preparation and planting;

  • Requirements for water management;

  • Spacing and stocking density, including purpose of stocking density assessment data;

  • Plant handling and planting;

  • Main pests and diseases. Integrated pest management;

  • The need to manage vegetation;

Who should attend?

  • Existing Forestry Works Managers

  • Site Supervisors

  • Team Leaders

  • Managers within Forestry

  • Forestry contractors wishing to understand their responsibilities on site

Other Information

  • The course will include visiting site in a forestry and woodland environment. The ground will be uneven so there will be a need to wear PPE suitable for outdoor visits appropriate to the conditions and weather.

  • This course can be tailored to customer requirements.


Dependant on course requirements.


Conservation and Silviculture for Managers & Supervisors


Thinning for Managers & Supervisors