Mentoring 2020-2021
The overall programme aim of the mentoring scheme is to help forestry industry workers become more productive, efficient and profitable by developing competent staff. Those who are registered as a beneficiary with Forestry Focused Future may be eligible for support through the mentoring scheme.
If they already have a Skills Development or Professional Pathways Training Agreement, they can add mentoring to it. Alternatively, they can agree to a new Training Agreement with just mentoring. By participating in this program, beneficiaries could expect to become more skilled and knowledgeable in their roles, leading to increased success in the forestry industry.
Full details of the funding scheme can be found by downloading our MENTORING SCHEME RULES.
Our Achievements
We received 21 applications for mentoring support, of which 14 were successful in securing 100% funding for their mentorship. We received 20 responses from those wishing to become a mentor themselves.
We also ran a small pilot to mentor and train new Trainers & Assessors into the sector. This enabled 6 prospective Trainer Assesors to complete their Instructional Techniques course and C&G Assessor Training. 4 of which are now Training & Assessing the next generation of our Forestry and Arboriculture workforce