Information Hub

Our information hub will be launching soon…

Training Provider Directory

  • Skills Development

    Funding for Training courses identified in the training plan which is secured through a training agreement.

  • Knowledge Transfer

    Events to raise the knowledge around the skills of the sector to improve the quality of the workforce.

  • Innovative Transfer

    Identifying gaps in the current training available and working with industry experts to create training courses & materials to fill these gaps.

  • Mentoring

    Training delivered by an appointed mentor at work for businesses who have identified specific in-house needs.

  • Professional Pathways

    Providing a supported route for operators within the sector to identify & achieve higher level qualifications – level 3 / 4 diplomas & above.

  • Information Hub

    The hub will collate all knowledge transfer content that we deliver & make it freely available on the web. This library will include any other additional material identified as useful by the sector.