Flexible Skills Programme: Forestry & Timber Supply Chain Skills – 2024-25
Overview: The Flexible Skills Programme: Forestry & Timber Supply Chain Skills is a Welsh Government initiative that is designed to encourage and support the development of a company’s employees skills in the Forestry and Timber Sectors. It can provide a financial contribution towards the training costs of a Wales-based employer’s staff, in areas including woodland and tree preparation maintenance and management; large machinery; timber processing; digital, IT & communications; timber technology; forestry & timber management.
Applications are invited from companies and registered self-employed persons from the forestry and timber sectors and that are located in any area of Wales, so long as the training requested falls under one of the topic areas mentioned above and in the table below. The programme can support up to 50% of training up to a maximum Welsh Government contribution of £20,000.
The scheme is open to (solvent) Wales-based employers from the forestry and timber sectors and any area of Wales.
Training must fall under one of the topic areas mentioned in the table below and be accredited or to an industry standard.
Applicant employers must commit to release staff to undertake approved training by the end of March 2025.
Each employer can make one application to this programme per annum.
The funding is discretionary and the final decision on eligibility rests with the Welsh Government.
Successful applicant employers will be awarded a specified amount of funding that will be 50% of eligible training costs - funding will be paid retrospectively, on completion of the training and provision of the necessary evidence.
We would expect the Welsh Government 50% contribution to not exceed £20,000.
You can find the Expression of Interest page to request an application pack here - Flexible Skills Programme | Business Wales Skills Gateway.