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The Institute of Chartered Foresters - Plant Healthy: Certification Schemes and Plant Biosecurity

This event is in partnership with The Institute of Chartered Foresters will be hosted by Alistair Yeomans MICFor CHort from the Plant Health Alliance.

Session Overview

The Plant Health Alliance is a cross-sectoral group with membership organisations spanning ornamental horticulture, forestry and general land management as well trade associations, environmental NGOs and government. They aim to promote and enhance plant health and biosecurity measures to protect plant species and associated ecosystems (natural capital) in the United Kingdom and beyond.

 The Plant Healthy Certification Scheme will enable businesses and organisations to be independently audited as a means of formally demonstrating that they comply with the Plant Health Management Standard. The ultimate aim is for the scheme to be adopted across the ornamental and amenity horticulture supply chain to make it easy to identify businesses and organisations that handle plant material in a manner that promotes plant health and biosecurity.

In this session, Alistair will provide an overview of the Plant Healthy Certification Scheme and the use of voluntary certification schemes to improve plant biosecurity in the UK and beyond.

About the Speaker

After graduating in Horticulture (BSc Hons) from Strathclyde University, Alistair Yeomans MICFor was accepted for a programme in botanical garden management at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, where he also became a certified arborist. He read Forestry (MSc) at the University of Oxford. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture.

A theme throughout Alistair’s career has been the cultivation and management of plants, either in a nursery setting or in the wider landscape. He has managed a salad farm and an ornamental nursery in Portugal, as well as two UK nurseries that supply amenity shrubs and trees of varying sizes.

Alistair was an initial member of staff at Sylva Foundation, where he worked with colleagues and partners to develop: the myForest woodland management system, the British Woodlands Survey, the Woodland Wildlife Toolkit and the reverse auction design behind the NatureBid platform. He is the Resilience Associate at Sylva Foundation, the Coordinator of the Horticultural Trade Association’s Tree and Hedging Group and a Research Associate at the Open University.

Alistair works with the Plant Health Alliance and manages the Plant Healthy Certification Scheme, which aims to promote and enhance plant health and biosecurity measures to protect plants and associated ecosystems in the UK and beyond.

Who should attend?

  • The workshop is designed to be suitable for any forestry professional living or working in Wales.

Booking Fee

Free of Charge

Please read our Terms & Conditions before booking.

Point of contact

If you have any issues booking this event please contact -

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