News & Announcements
Woodland Carbon Code and Guarantee Training Session – Wales
Want to know more about the Woodland Carbon Code and Guarantee?
Chaired by John Browne MICFor of Natural Resources Wales and featuring in-depth content developed and presented by a Woodland Carbon Code and Guarantee expert from Scottish Forestry, this session for foresters living and working in Wales will look at recent developments in the UK’s carbon market and the opportunities this presents for landowners and agents.
COVID-19 Update: 20th October 2020
Due to the recent Welsh Government announcement regarding the 2 week circuit breaker lock-down, we wanted to provide you with some key information:
Read the full article for all information.
COVID-19 Update: Changes to Funding
With the ongoing situation with COVID-19 making it more difficult for beneficiaries to access the training required to gain this qualification. We have decided to relax the mandatory requirement between the 1st June - 30th September 2020.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statement: 1st July 2020 Update
Following current Government advice about Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are planning on running all Focus on Forestry First Knowledge Transfer Events as originally scheduled.
Read the full article for all information.
FISA: Guidance on Managing Health & Safety in Forestry
Focus on Forestry First have teamed up with FISA, Pontrilas Harvesting & mwmac ltd to deliver these half day workshops to introduce the new MHSF Guidance, with two events in Wales (North & South). Booking is direct with Focus on Forestry First via the links below.
Professional Pathways - Now Open!
Professional Pathways is now available for registration.
The scheme promotes access to qualifications in the trees and timber sectors, raising the sectors academic levels. It provides funding towards a range of qualifications whether this is to commence or complete the process.
Focus on... Traditional Woodland Skills
A review of the Traditional Woodland Skills days that Focus on Forestry First Ltd held at Penpont Estate on the 17th & 18th of October 2019.
Many Thanks to Gavinn Hogg of Penpont Estate for writting this article for us.
Changes to Funding - First Aid + Forestry
From July 2019 it will be a pre-requirement for any Beneficiary Business accessing the Skills Development funding to hold or complete a minimum of EFAW+F qualification before any other Skills Development funding will be released.
Forestry Focused Future Welcome Events 2018
We have now secured Welsh Government funding for Welsh businesses within the Trees & Timber sector to support skills development.
Ancient Woodland Restoration Event
Control of Invasive Plant Species near Sensitive Habitats